And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;
Hi Friends,
May I encourage you that wherever you are in your walk with the Lord, whether it be a new Christian just getting started and learning what it is like to have a walk with the Lord or a saint who has had a relationship for years, my sincerest desire is that the music you find here and the Bible lessons available here will encourage, edify, and challenge each one of us to do every single thing that we do on purpose and WHOLEHEARTEDLY for Christ. There is a lost world watching us and in need of a Savior.
If they see Christians who do not shine His light, all labor is in vain. If you are a wife, a mom, a sister, a friend, a daughter, a co-worker, whatever “hat” you are wearing – do that task WHOLEHEARTEDLY, as to the Lord – as if you had the chance to do it for the LORD. And when we are reading our Bible, having our prayer time, giving a helping hand to someone in need may each thing we do, be done WHOLEHEARTEDLY.